Always along the Spree

The riverside path in Moabit shows a completely different side of Berlin

Vacation during your lunch break! Whether it's a picnic by the water, relaxing in the restaurants on the banks of the Spree or a sightseeing tour through political Berlin: the riverside path in Moabit offers a special Berlin experience. The river meanders through the city and gives people who live and work in Moabit the opportunity to enjoy life by the water. From LOFT by Covivio, you can walk to the Spree in just a few minutes.

Bild vom Spreeufer. Menschen sitzen auf der Wiese und schauen auf die Spree

Modern Berlin

The riverside path along the Spree shows just how diverse a city can be. You can walk for miles through Berlin directly along the water. The view from the main train station is impressive: the brick-red Moltke Bridge with its historical figures in front of you, and the Chancellery with its unique architectural language on the opposite bank of the Spree. “Washing machine”, as Berliners call it with a wink. Pedestrian bridges cross the Spree, on which excursion boats carrying tourists make their rounds. Nobody wants to miss out on the experience from the water. The glass main station, the Futurium with its mirrored façade and several new office buildings on the edge of Europa-City are signs of modern Berlin.

Historic Berlin

All around, however, things quickly become historic again. While the Reichstag and the World Heritage Site Museum Island lie towards the center, things get off to a more leisurely start in Moabit: the Zollpackhof in an old half-timbered house right on the water is certainly one of the most beautiful beer gardens in Berlin. You can walk through the Kanzlergarten and Park am Präsidentendreieck to the Bundesratufer and beyond, past Bellevue Palace, the Goldelse in Tiergarten and countless Wilhelminian-style houses along the riverside streets. If you sit down for lunch or dinner in one of the restaurants here, you have the best views of the city. Insider tips include the Patio or the Buchkantine. Unless you have a picnic blanket with you.

Green Berlin

The most surprising experience: despite the proximity to the government district and well-known office locations, the banks of the Spree and Moabit offer “pure nature” in the middle of the city. Trees, meadows and shrubs turn the car-free walkway into an idyllic landscape that turns every day into a little vacation. You just have to keep following the Spree!

Explore the neighborhood of LOFT

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